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Blue-gray Tanager
The stunning Blue-gray Tanager, or Thraupis episcopus, is one of Costa Rica’s many beautiful avian inhabitants. It is most often heard singing its cheerful trill before being spotted, as this elusive species is known for avoiding human contact. With its metallic blue-green feathers and distinctive slate-gray belly, the Blue-gray Tanager stands out among the many other birds that call the Costa Rican rainforest home.
The Blue-gray Tanager can easily be identified by its eye-catching plumage. While the majority of its feathers are a deep metallic blue-green, the lower half of the bird’s body is a spotted slate gray color. In addition to its distinct coloration, the Blue-gray Tanager also sports a sharp yellow bill and black eyes.
The Blue-gray Tanager can be spotted in both humid and dry forest habitats throughout Costa Rica, usually in the canopy of taller trees. While the Blue-gray Tanager is primarily seen in low and mid-level elevations, it’s also been found living in much higher elevations near their favored habitat of mixed evergreen and deciduous forests.
As a species, the Blue-gray Tanager is highly social and can often be encountered in small flocks. They are primarily known for foraging in the canopy of the rainforest, often eating on the wing. Their preferred food sources are small insects, fruits, and flowers. They also often join other species of birds for communal foraging sessions.
Birdwatchers visiting Costa Rica can spot the Blue-gray Tanager by taking a guided bird walk into the rainforest and keeping an eye out for the birds in the canopy. While it may be difficult to get an up close look at them, their calls are easily audible in the rainforest. To increase the likelihood of spotting them, be sure to go early in the morning when they are most active.
The Blue-gray Tanager is yet another fascinating bird species of the Costa Rican rainforest. With its striking coloration and inquisitive behavior, the Blue-gray Tanager is sure to give you a memorable avian encounter. Head into the rainforest and listen for its distinctive trill to get a glimpse of this magnificent bird.
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